Sunday, August 19, 2007


I just received this link to some videos that Angie took while in Uganda. They are pretty powerful to me and thought I would put the link up on my blog. The women who sang to us, as she cried in thanks, is on here. The children who also sang to us when we were leaving are also on a video. It is really dark but you can get the feeling from her of the emotions she was experiencing. Please check this out!

Also I just got home from the Africa AIDS exhibition and I was moved to tears. I can't believe how powerful it was as they recreated a real bedroom, kitchen, and had many photos and an ipod with narration. It was like I was right back in Africa! I had flashbacks and even the smell was the same! They brought original items, bedding and such. The smell was still in them. When I walked in they had a tape playing of children singing. I knew in that moment that I would go back again, as many times as my health and finances allow me to, I will be there. The love is so strong how can I forget. I learned the church that hosted the event, Good Shepherd Church in Naperville 630-961-9220, has partnered with World Vision. The church sponsors nearly 200 children in a village North of Kamwenge called Buhimba. They are starting a Uganda Orphan Home Project. How can I not want to be involved. Way cool. The pastor there was so excited about what they are doing. To learn more about what their church is doing you can email Pastor Greg at The World Vision web site is:

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